Friday, April 25, 2008

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me this I know,
So why do I so often show?
A life of sin, which turns from Him,
A sickening thought, an evil grin.

For the Bible tells me so,
So why do I not read it and know?
How God is love and I am not,
How Jesus came and cleansed each spot.

Little ones to Him belong,
So why do I so often wrong?
The ones He loves and wants to feed,
And hurt the ones He wants to lead.

For they are weak and He is strong,
So why do I not rest upon?
His loving arms and still attempt,
To finish that which He was sent.


Just Thinking

If I could look into the past,
I’d see a child who’s growing fast.
A life of promise, full of joy,
A hope of future, a baby boy.

If I could look beyond the now,
I’d question what and wonder how,
A life of promise, which has became,
A realized dream, a brand new name.

If I could look into the past,
I’d see a child who’s fading fast.
A child of sin, who oft’ annoy,
A question mark, a baby boy.

If I could look beyond the now,
I might reflect and wonder how,
My life had come to be the same,
A failed attempt, the same old name.

If I could look into the past,
I’d examine decisions and find at last,
A life that sought, and finally took,
A Savior saved, a Holy book.

So should I look beyond the now?
And focus on the when and how?
Or should I see and focus on,
The God I love and not beyond.
