Thursday, December 13, 2007

God the Risk Taker

Have you ever thought of God as a risk taker?  Because He is.  God took a risk when He created you.  He took a risk when He created human beings in general.  If you believe in the concept of Free Will, that each of us have the ability to make our own choices, then you must understand that because of that God took a risk on you when He created you.  You were a risk to Him. 

Then, you failed Him.  You sinned.  Oh, He knew that you would but you did nonetheless.  So, God took a second risk - a risk to save you.  When God sent Jesus into the world, He knew that not all would believe in His Son.  He knows right now whether or not you have chosen Jesus and also whether or not you will choose to follow Him throughout your life.

However, His knowledge of the future doesn't mean that He didn't take a risk in attempting to save you.  God knew that He would have to punish you if you continued on your own path towards destruction.  Thus, in His mercy, He sent His Son into this world and took a chance on you.  At Christmas, we remember the chance that He took and the risk that was taken.

Why?  What did He hope to gain?  What would be the reward for such a risk?  True worship in love from His creation.  That's what He hoped to receive.  True worship, because as His creation, He deserves to be praised for what He has done and true love because He wants you to do so not out of obligation but your own desire.

God took a risk on you.  He put His reputation on the line.  You, who call yourself "Christian", are you?  You, who claim the name, do you live up to it?  Are you a true follower of Christ?  Are you a true child of God, a servant to King Jesus?  Are you also a son to God?  Not the Son of God but a son to Him?

He took a chance on you.  Will you do the same for Him?  Here's some ways that you can…

1.  Step out in faith and begin reading His Word every single day.  Make it your goal to finish the Bible every single year.

2.  Practice the truths found within it and teach others to do the same.  Apply what you read and learn.  Take radical steps when necessary.

3.  Set yourself up as an example to follow, a leader who points others to Christ.  Get discipled and disciple others.
4.  Speak boldly for Christ, taking the risk of humiliation and/or harm for the Gospel.  Pray for opportunities to do so.

5.  Serve others in everything that you do.  Take the form of a humble servant and wash the feet of others.

There are many ways to take risks.  For each of us it is different.  If you've never accepted Christ as Lord then you've not taken the initial step of faith.  It's a risk.  It will mean putting your face, reputation, and life on the line.  It will mean sacrificing and changing.  It will mean leaving your former way of life and pressing on towards what Paul calls the upward call of God (Phil 3:14).

It's a risk.  Take it.  I did.  So have many others.  God took a risk in creating you.  God took a risk in saving you. 

Will you take the risk of turning to Him?
